Thursday, December 25, 2008

December 26 - The Second Holy Night - The Need for Divinity

Your soul needs to be certain of divinity.

Take a few still and soft moments to let the words “certain” and “divinity” bring their meaning to your consciousness. Don’t read any further until you have done this exercise.


Let me share some of the random thoughts that appeared in my soul while I was still and soft...

I find I cannot rely on my intellect to define either meaning. Both “certain” and “divinity” evoke feelings, not words, in my soul.

My feeling of “certain” is what my body feels when I am standing on firm earth on a beautiful day. The earth meets my arched foot with strength, supports the balanced uprightness of my entire skeleton and keeps my head floating atop my spine reaching up to the sky. All is unquestionably the way it is designed to be. My soul is certain when all feels radiantly right.

My feeling of “divinity” is a feeling of total illumination, of dwelling in pure light, a light that hallows all it shines on.

My soul seeks the hallowed design present in the object of its attention. I may be paying attention to what I experience as myself or what is not me. I may be paying attention to something small and immediate or something incomprehensibly huge and distant. With the divinity in my soul, I am able to feel the divine presence in what I observe. The divinity in my soul is the source of my attention.

My soul needs divinity in order to seek and to see, to suffer and to surrender, to know and to love. My soul needs Divinity in order to heal, to be free, to evolve and to resist. divinity inspires and empowers my “yes!” and my “no!”

My soul needs divinity in order to forget myself and know you.

It is the presence of divinity in my soul that lets me compassionately illuminate my life, my life’s surroundings and circumstances, and my life’s deeds and intentions.

Without divinity, my life would be a morally gray wasteland. I would not be able to see any design and my life would feel aimless.

My soul needs the light of divinity, the way my eyes need light to see.

On this second of the Twelve Holy Nights write down your feelings about certainty and divinity.

Try not to put a name on divinity. Stay with your feelings of and for divinity within your soul. Named divinities feel external to your soul.

If you find you must name divinity - Jesus Christ, Buddha, Allah, Yahweh, God, Brahma, or Gaia - here is a helpful exercise. Imagine the named divinity asking you what He or She feels like in your soul. What is your answer? Why does your soul need this divinity?

On the other hand, if you are someone who finds the naming of divinity too limiting, you might try this exercise. Right down all the names you know for divinity. There are many names. Now go through the list and describe what each name signifies, distinguishes and contains for you. I wrote down seven names in the previous paragraph. Each of the seven represents a different gesture of the divine to me.

If you have the time, do both exercises. You will find your soul’s light growing with this work. Even if you are very articulate about all matters divine, you’ve read all the sacred texts and all the works of great masters, these two exercises will take you in to your own soul and it’s own need for divinity. Do this with the innocence of Nativity. See what lives in your newborn heart.

Make a list of twelve aspects of divinity, such as love, truth, beauty, compassion, power, judgment, etc. For the coming year of twelve months, focus your inner work on one feeling each month.

Tonight open yourself up to the divinity in your soul.


  1. This holy instant would I give to Divinity. I let Dovimity be in charge this day. Certain that Divinity gives me peace.
    If I need a word to help me.
    If I need a thought to guide me.
    Let divinity speak to me his holy son.

  2. When I think about Divinity there is a deep feeling of Compassion deep inside my Heart. Also a feeling of being united with all.

    "My soul needs Divinity in order to heal, to be free, to evolve and to resist",these words bring a resonance in my Soul.


    Inge Kiowa

  3. Good morning friends, Once again this blog is *speaking to my condition.* I recently read the book The Faith Club, and from that I learned more about Islam. I was interested to learn that Islam lists 99 Names or Attributes of God. I had printed this out in order to explore what those attributes are, but have not had the time to reflect on it.

    This is one source of the names, but I am sure there are many others.

    Taking this with me on my retreat.

  4. divinity is a nameless mystery

    it is neither he nor she

    i find it in the mountains that surround me, in
    compassion when it wells up in my heart, in the peace that surpasses all understanding ... and in a thousand other places and experiences and feelings

    thank you, lynn, for these meditations

    December 26, 2008 10:37 AM

  5. I find divinity in the stillness within my mind. As I hear words being spoken or a song in the background, the divinity is the hush between the words and/or notes.
    I feel Divinity as I let go of the doing in helping others to heal, for it is not my choice that this should happen,(I am only the facilitator holding the space in Divinity).

  6. When heart and mind are in perfect alignment there arises within me a certainty that all is well. Peace, love, and joy are real and all I know. When I choose to follow the Divine guidance that is always available to me the star shines within and my heart smiles. SCS

  7. Certainty-
    the experience of aliveness coursing through my body, the breath entering and leaving my body, the still small voice saying, yes.

    the experience of the vastness of the universe contained within my body, the depth and connection of life meeting, joiing with life, the joy stirred by a blowing leaf.

    Lyn, thank you for who you be. These meditations are lovely.

  8. 'Certainty' feels like a candle-light at the centre of my heart.

    'Divinity' feels like a candle-light in the centre of my forehead.

    Divinity inspires confidence, compassion, trust, kindness, patience, all-encompassing love, and inner peace.

  9. It is so wonderful to receive Inner Christmas again this year! The twelve aspects of divinity came to me as: firstly, inner silence. This was followed by a tree of peace, all-encompassing love, ruthless compassion, knowing, balance & harmony, a guiding light, boundless energy of truth, endless giving, heartfelt kindness, joy and sparkle, expansive awareness....and more!

  10. Certain . . . deep inner knowing beyond all questions
    Divinity . . . Love within me, all around me, the air I breathe, the sky above, the earth beneath. Divinity . . . all the angels I feel around me, the Guides and Guidance I honor, that which is Nameless, that which is Nameless, that which is Nameless.
    Thank you Lynn, for opening this space. Blessings and love to all.

  11. Thank you for these writings. Here is my list for the year of the attributes of divinity: January: Peacefulness; February: Truth; March: Beauty; April: Compassion; May: Joy; June: Fearlessness; July: Power; August: Judgment; September: Joy; October: Illumination; November: Nurturance; December: Love.

  12. Certainty is the knowing that something is and will be, no matter what. There is a peaceful reassurance in truth. Divinity is the experience of the world around me, that light that is within that fills me with contentment and awe; the feeling that my soul can grow and learn the wonders of life and nature. I love the list for the months above; it is wonderful and I might use if for myself with a few changes.
    Thanks for all, especially Lynn for the writings.

  13. Certainty - trusting that all is as it should be - a knowing.

    Divinity - all that is.

  14. This night I had a dream and the message is:

    Divinity is both female and male and One in it's self

  15. This exercize rumpled my inner curmudgeon, the slumbering Scrooge...

    I'm certain that Divinity is a Mystery. Thus I'm certain that I can be absolutely certain of nothing, including certainty.

    When I'm quiet and still, I can sense Divinity in all things, including myself. But if I want to experience Divinity, bring Divinity to life, then I must take holy actions.

    Though I love the play of words, I have come to distrust what Alan Chadwick might have termed "monstrous verbosity", creating a world of words and then moving right in. Much of what passes for spirituality today is some very fine talk about spirituality.

    Creation is Action, and too many times I've heard God-talk become Action Avoidance. We romantically yearn for Absolute Oneness Elsewhere, while God's own world, our paradise Earth, cries out for repairs from our most un-Divine behaviors.

    I reject the clever polarity of Human Being VERSUS Human Doing. I want to bring divine intention to both. Left foot, right foot and I move forward. I breathe in and out, reflecting my divine nature in both the being and doing.

    Of That I'm Certain...

  16. Dear Lynn,
    thank you for this exercise. I just collected 12 qualities that I connect with divinity and then put them with the 12 months to come and it is OVERWHELMING how accurate I chose (without intending to) the qualities I should be practising every months regarding my challenges work-wise and personally that I can foresee already now...
    When I know I will be going to see my Lover, there is a personal theme such as Trust, Love, Gentleness. When I will be facing a big mound of hard work (bigger project at work), I found myself choosing the theme of Force...when I will have to decide to go a new direction in the second half of 2009 the themes of Lawfulness, Calm, Wisdom, Balance and Courage will be accompanying me.
    I feel so held by this years Inner Christmas! I dont need any carols, decoration, gifts, or other superfluos stuff...I have my own sould to explore this year! Its a great journey!
    Warmest greetings all the way from Switzerland!

  17. Dear Lynn,
    thank you for this exercise. I just collected 12 qualities that I connect with divinity and then put them with the 12 months to come and it is OVERWHELMING how accurate I chose (without intending to) the qualities I should be practising every months regarding my challenges work-wise and personally that I can foresee already now...
    When I know I will be going to see my Lover, there is a personal theme such as Trust, Love, Gentleness. When I will be facing a big mound of hard work (bigger project at work), I found myself choosing the theme of Force...when I will have to decide to go a new direction in the second half of 2009 the themes of Lawfulness, Calm, Wisdom, Balance and Courage will be accompanying me.
    I feel so held by this years Inner Christmas! I dont need any carols, decoration, gifts, or other superfluos stuff...I have my own sould to explore this year! Its a great journey!
    Warmest greetings all the way from Switzerland!

  18. “certain”...for me is a light showing me the way...the answers I am path to follow
    “divinity”...for me is all this spiritual...all things good in our world...the calmness of of moment

  19. Dear Friends, I am back from my retreat and managed to do four Inner Christmas exercises during the four days I was there. Here is my list of the aspects of divinity:

    This is not the order in which I originally wrote them. My God has such a sense of humor. I was fully ready to plunge into creativity for Janurary, but decided to do a little *divination* with these. Wrote them on slips of paper, mixed them up, then pulled them in the order of the months. Thus I will be beginning the year with Mercy. Which I am studying about now.

    Thanks Lynn for this Inner Christmas.
